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Local Charity Assists Families Affected by Drug Addition

August 28, 2017

The opioid epidemic has reached every corner of our society and placed renewed emphasis on increasing resources to address drug addiction and advance treatments. I’m proud to serve as vice president of an organization committed to reuniting families torn apart by drug addiction. Making Every Day Count, Inc. raises money so recovering addicts can participate in Family or Delinquency Drug Court and eventually find their way home.

Specifically, Making Every Day Count deals with parents who have had children removed because of drug abuse or teenagers who have committed crimes because of addiction. Our funding helps pay for rent, utilities, transportation and household items while clients complete drug court programs.

The court programs are voluntary and provide intensive judicial supervision, substance abuse treatment, random drug testing and family monitoring. The success rate is quite remarkable with 75% percent of Drug Court graduates never again facing arrest, compared to only 30% of convicts released from prison who do not re-offend. As for moving families toward a second chance, the facts speak for themselves –

  • Parents in Family Drug Court are twice as likely to go to treatment and complete it.
  • Children of Family Drug Court Participants spend significantly less time in out-of-home placements such as foster care.
  • Family re-unification rates are 50% higher for Family Drug Court participants.

Making Every Day Count is such a worthwhile cause and right now we are looking for sponsors, underwriters and gifts for our annual luncheon and auction on November 2nd at Mirasol Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens.

Help us give struggling families of Palm Beach County a second chance to be whole again. Visit our website for details on how to get involved or to make a donation.

Resource: Making Every Day Count, Inc.

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